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Pic showing some Tellurium Q speaker cables

About Tellurium Q

How Tellurium Q® was born

One afternoon at a recording studio in Somerset, Geoff Merrigan, who was there because he was the studio’s business advisor started a conversation with the studio owner and a technical electronics expert. As there was a strong interest in science and technology they started talking about the system set-up and sound quality relating to and influenced by the various electronics. There was a bold claim that the cables were causing problems with recording quality. Both the studio owner and Geoff took the standpoint that a cable is just a cable and all it needs to do is transmit a signal and enough power, end of story, surely? An hour later after discussing the fundamentals of signal transfer theoretically in a standard cable’s construction and why exactly that caused problems. It made absolute sense and Tellurium Q® was born on a leap of faith.

The new company invested heavily in R&D and non-standard tooling to bring about the first cable, Tellurium Q Black. Thankfully it exceeded expectations and in the UK there was an immediate uptake with a small handful of dealers who were prepared to use their ears. The most recent phase of development sees the introduction of our own tellurium copper connectors that have a near perfect synergy with the Tellurium Q® cables, as the latest review in the magazine HiFi World confirms.

For further details on availability and our range of Tellurium Q products, contact Gulliford Hi-Fi by emailing [email protected]. Full details of the latest Tellurium Q range of products can be found by visiting the Tellurium Q website.

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